The date was 17th August 2023 , the venue, Thana City Golf Resort.It was a pleasant, hot, but not too hot, sunny day and 106 golfers teed off at 1230H on the Thana City course for the 2023 Convoy for Kids Charity Golf day. It was an enjoyable day for all concerned and dinner was held in the Thana City Ballroom with a buffet dinner and Singha beer kindly supplied by Bevchain.Our thanks go to Linfox, Bevchain. all other sponsors and players who participated in this event, making it a successful one.
In a friendly spirit as usual, a good time was had by all and the prize winners are as listed below. It was a good day for the Linfox teams taking first and third places.
The total proceeds made on the day totalled 197,018.18 Thai Baht which will go to the school.
A BIG thank you goes to Daniel Poole,our MC extraordinaire who tuke chanrge at theGala dinner and announced the prizewinners. His professionalism and sharp wit is alwaysgreatly appreciated.
The date was 17th August 2023 , the venue, Thana City Golf Resort.It was a pleasant, hot, but not too hot, sunny day and 106 golfers teed off at 1230H on the Thana City course for the 2023 Convoy for Kids Charity Golf day. It was an enjoyable day for all concerned and dinner was held in the Thana City Ballroom with a buffet dinner and Singha beer kindly supplied by Bevchain.Our thanks go to Linfox, Bevchain. all other sponsors and players who participated in this event, making it a successful one.
A BIG thank you goes to Daniel Poole, our MC extraordinaire who took charge at the Gala dinner and announced the prizewinners. His professionalism and sharp wit is always greatly appreciated.
In a friendly spirit as usual, a good time was had by all and the prize winners are as listed below. It was a good day for the Linfox teams taking first and third places.